Problem With ADT System - Need Advice

I see. It says it is secured. Secured from what exactly? Sounds like a sales pitch from Saddam's old press guy Baghdad Bob. If this is not a gag or hoax, am I to believe this is a giant capacitance type alarm?

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I brive a dus

Who really knows !! As near as anyone on the ng could ever determine, it was another version or a like product of the old ultrasonic type alarms that were marketed here in North America under the tradename Quorum. He was in here a few years ago peddling this shit. Eventually he gave up and left. Junk then and even more so now that professional quality alarm equipment is so affordable and so available everywhere.

BTW, did you notice the main links on the site no longer work. Matches the product perfectly !


Roland wrote:

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Heh, heh, heh... :^)

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Robert L Bass

"Roland Moore" a écrit dans le message de news:


Good for you! that just proove a point,learning another language is not something that every one can do...

Most of the post i send are sent either early in the morning or very late at night,when i am very tired or i didnt took my first coffee,that must explain some of my "typo"

So based on that,USA should have never been a country..same for much of the country in south America,and what about Canada?why is there a border?The fact of Quebec not being an island nation doesnt compute here,many country are not island if not most,and even some island have more then one country in it,just look at Haiti and the Dominical republic... Now let check who's the one that missed geography lesson...

Taiwan,is under control of a large totalitary country,China,totally different then here..And even if China control Taiwan,many country recognized taiwan as a country...It didnt help,but it did happen...

so now,the fact of having THE bomb is the only thing that could help us,ok fine,we do have uranium,we know how to enriche it,and we even have nuclear reactor,and the know how to build more...lets build it!

Hey! Me I wont and will never ask you anything,and most here will do the same,dont worry,we wont need fact you know it and thats the most scary part for you.... BTW we now have oil,yup you read it well,we have oil,not even offshore,it is in the gaspesie region,in the same region we have coal,we have gold in the north [art of Quebec,uranium,just beside it,platine at the same time,and we have our most precious element,water,we can make electricity,lots of it for cheap...too bad we dont have much to offer...

you know what? the mexican would just be more then happy to help,us! not you....they would even be more happy to have another country telling you to shut know,telling other one to site and wait till you have some time for them,while they really need a good neigbourg,leave bad taste in the mouth of many...finding a way to remove some bad taste is much apreciated sometimes...

That bad taste could be remove by eating something else then hamburger and hot dogs...

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"Robert L Bass" a écrit dans le message de news: pcGdnRx10N91-QjYnZ2dnUVZ

surely not with you!!!

another one that need to review his geography....

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"Mark Leuck" a écrit dans le message de news: U_GdnQY27pz2_QjYnZ2dnUVZ

Nope i have what we call here latin blood....something you could not understand...


So why hoping the inverse? unless that's not what you wanted to say..."It would be nice if they did"

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Thats an excuse for mental illness

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Mark Leuck

Hot Blooded Latin = mental illness - with high fever included for free.

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Roland Moore

something that every one can do...

Well don't come here then if you don't want to learn how to speak Spanish

The geography lesson was to remind you of not what is within the borders of Quebec, but what is outside. The island idea is to remind you that if your neighbors (including the U.S.) don't allow rail, air or ship and barge traffic to you guys then you're dead. If Quebec was an island then you could get access to supplies without interference from any neighbor. There is nothing you can or could do about getting supplies in or out since you can whip your Canadian neighbors or the U.S. Please don't let that stop you though. Start the war anytime you like. I hope there is a good French recipe for a coal and uranium sandwich, because that might be all that's left on the menu once you decide you're a nation. Produce what you want and keep it all to yourselves. Make all the bombs you want and test them thoroughly right there in Quebec until the whole place glows.

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Roland Moore

I'm glad they didn't - Paradox has been awesome to me. When I needed C-form dome PIRs (well actually, I just needed one with a NO contact), Burtek didn't have any in stock and wanted a minimum order of 200 to get them in. I contacted Paradox to ask if they could suggest another local distributor, or provide me schematics for the one I had so I could modify it appropriately, or even just sell me one directly...

Instead, they apologized for the hassle and promised to send me one for free. When the box arrived, there were five of them. Considering it probably only cost them about $10 each, that's a lot of good will, customer loyalty, and publicity (for those of you reading this message ;) to get for a measley $50.

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Matt Ion

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Roland Moore

That doesn't surprise me. Other than a few minor product design flaws (and who's equipment is perfect), I have nothing but the best to say about this company. You and I are their customers, and they are smart enough to realize that, just as I'm sure you and I treat our own customers the exact same way. And given the fact that they are a large company, good personal customer service from them approaches the level of a near miracle. !!!!!!

Their tech support is damn good as well. I remember sending them a technical question at about 1pm on a Sunday, thinking I would have to wait until at least Monday or Tuesday to receive an answer. A thorough and detailed response was on my computer by 3pm that same day....

Credit where credit is due. I hope they never sell out to some bottom feeder....


Matt I>

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Is their 900mhz wireless stuff any good?

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Russell Brill

Jeez, I don't think they ever had any at that frequency. As far as my old memory will allow me, I think it's always been 433 MHZ stuff (but don't quote me on that point). They only came in lately with dedicated compatible wireless for their panels (as far as I can remember), so I don't believe they ever made 900 MHZ stuff. I know their current stuff is pretty good, and other than the usual battery changing crap, it doesn't give much trouble. Have had a bit of difficulty with getting rid of RF Trouble indicators (sometimes have to power down / power up like the DSC stuff), but overall, it's FAR better than DSC's junk !! Only other issue is if you have a number of the smaller door/window contacts, and one of the batteries goes bad, there is no way at the LCD keypad to see exactly what zone is in trouble. So you end up having to change all the DL 2450 3.0 volt batteries in all the small door and window contacts.However, if you can access the event log from your laptop, it will show you which expansion input the trouble is on, so you can correlate that with the appropriate zone. But that's a pretty stupid way to do things. Small point I think, but irritating as hell....

I generally avoid all wireless like the bubonic plague, so I don't have a whole lot out there. But what I do have of the Paradox stuff seems to work OK.


Russell Brill wrote:

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They have made both 433MHz and 868MHz. They recently started shipping the new frequency. Unlike DSC, however, when Paradox changed frequencies they built an RF receiver that can work with either. That way your existing installations won't become obsolete. Kudos to Paradox for that one.

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Robert L Bass

The 800mhz to 900mhz stuff must only be available in Europe, 433mhz must be the North American equipment...

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Russell Brill

"Roland Moore" a écrit dans le message de news:


Funny you talk about ship...Have you ever noticed that a small river pass true Quebec,the St-laurence river,and do you know where that rivergoes?the answer is the great lakes...and what's on the great lakes?|Hummm port,maybe? and were are lcated those port...well, lets say WE decide that ship pass on OUR river...that would be nice no?

or even better we could ask for a lot of money for the right of passage....

And legally all of this is ok,and in front of any international court we would won,and if some bozo,s leading some country try to invade,to take control,the international community would not allow,and help us,especialy if a big part of that community received from Quebec an alliance deal (one thing we are allready disscusing is being part of the europeen community...)

An illegal blocus!!! LOL,come on Roland think,think.... Being our own country,does mean going to war with our neighbor,and under what f****ng right any country would make an illegal blocus on a small neighbor,with out having a lot of problem on the international level,things like that can put fire to powder,and can put one country under the avok of all the other....

BTW,one othe thing you dont seem to understand,we grow more here then we need,80% of the pork we produce is for exportation,we could live just on that...well most of us,some would have to choose something else,or change religion ;-)

Who talked about starting a damn war?you stated that we dont have anything to help us become a county,and that we needed THE bomb,well now that i prooved to you we COULD do it,now you wan it,nope we are not war monger,like the american and we are not looking for any wars,but we could if in need deffend ourself...

But you know what,what i think will happen when we become souvreing,something very simple will come,since we are in a strategic part of the northern hemisphere (south border of the north passage in antartica) offer of alliance will come from both the south and the north east...

this would be wise to do,but how knows will be at the white house,when that will happen ;-)

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I'm not so sure about that. However, I erred in a prior post on this subject. The receiver is apparently capable of receiving one

*or* the other frequency. I'm not certain it can receive *both* simultaneously.
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Robert L Bass

Do you think you'll have to consider whether or not your buddies in Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as Novia Scotia will let your ships go anywhere before you worry about anything else. Until then I guess the world will have to live in terror wondering what the vicious rowboat Navy of Quebec is going to do to restrict the maritime commerce of other nations. I guess the Quebec version of an aircraft carrier is a dinghy where you throw a big Canadian Goose off of the prow, (you know "flip them the bird") of course loaded with firecrackers just to prove you mean business. Since you're a small nation you might have to start a draft to get everyone to take their turn a rowing the dinghy. It's a good way to get rid of the extra pounds from too much snail and garlic butter.

By the way, thanks for the geography lesson, especially this one below.

Wow! In English, is that the "Southern border of the nothern passage of Antarctica" you are talking about? First I guess you'll need a permission note from where? The folks in Tierra Del Fuego or Hobart? I love your posts, seldom informative but nearly always entertaining. It is none of my business, but I would bet the rest of Canada wants to get rid of you guys far worse than you want to be let go.

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