1721 Maximum memory SDRAM

I have a 1721 with 32MB onboard. It will handle up to 128MB. If I put in a 128MB SDRAM will this work? IE will the extra memory be ignored? There are 96MB SDRAM's available but they are somewhat pricy.

Also can I use the same memory that is used in the 1751, 1751-V, 1760,

1760-V, 2610XM, 2611XM, 2620XM, 2621XM, 2650XM and 2651XM group?

PS the specs seem to be

SDRAM, Non-ECC, PC133, 100-pin, 3.3V DC, Time/Speed: 7.5 ns

The reason I ask is that Advanced Enterprise Services seems to need



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Well, Cisco specs say that c1721 support max of 96M DRAM so probably you have seen ios requirements for some other hardware.

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Sławomir Kawa

Max DRAM option is 64MB. There is onboard DRAM 32MB or 64MB, which is not removable.

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