Robert L Bass = Arny Kruger

This is a possibility.

Oh really? Hmm....perhaps you should have investigated my posting history to the group....

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He has made mincemeat of Magnus

Oh really? Hmm....perhaps you should have investigated my posting history to the group....

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Because I agreed with Arny about something

This is total horse-pucky just like everything so far. What did you agree about? Please point us to the post.

, this idiot has a bur under his saddle for me.

Wait, I thought I was "dumber than a box of rocks" but and idiot also? Wow, interesting comming from someone whos entire post has been debunked as another one of your fantasies.


Robert L Bass wrote: "The Napco panels aren't that difficult to understand once you get started. I've installed hundreds of them and I've sold thousands more to DIYers."

"I've sold thousands of legal, factory shrink-wrapped copies of alarm software from Ademco, Napco and many others direct to end users over the years."

"I also sold thousands of the FG-1025 when it was still their top model."

"Yuasa is indeed a good make -- very reliable. I've sold thousands of them."

"I prefer Intellisense FG series acoustic glass breaks. I've installed several hundred of them and sold thousands to DIY'rs over the years.

"I've sold thousands of Visonic's K980D pet resistant motion detectors."

"I've used System Sensor smokes, mainly the 2112T and 2100T, and many of their annunciator for years. We have sold thousands of these units."

"You're right about the DG-75. It's extremely reliable. It's also one of the least expensive dual techs around. I've sold hundreds of them and they never seem to cause problems.

"I've installed numerous Napco C200AP detectors without any problems. I've also sold hundreds of them to DIY clients."

"As to credentials, I've been installing legitimate security and fire alarm systems for 22 years."

And if your inflated stories of "thousands sold" were not bad enough, check out these gems.

POSTED IN 2003: "I've been in this trade for 26 years."

POSTED IN 1997: "I personally have over 17 years experience in the trade."

Okay, whatever, but why would you short-change yourself in 1997?? Rich AND modest. Wow.

And my favorite Gem of all time.


"On my first cross country ride I asked my CFI if my son could come along for the ride. He said that would be fine. I asked the instructor not to pull any emergency practice because I didn't want to scare my son. It was agreed and we made an uneventful ride to a small airport in NY state. We had lunch there and then headed for home. On the return leg there were some low hanging scattered clouds -- nothing big or nasty, just a few wisps hanging down. I said I thought I should go lower and the CFI agreed.

I pushed the yoke forward a bit, eased up on the throttle to maintain airspeed and began a descent. Neither the CFI nor I noticed that the tach had drifted just below the green arc... uh-oh.

Within less than a minute the engine coughed a few times and quit. I thought at first that the CFI had done something and I was really annoyed with him for it. I went through the engine restart routine as he had taught me... nothing?!?

Meanwhile, my son thought the CFI and I were playing a joke so he said nothing.

I pushed forward a little to get us into best glide, set for full throttle and carb heat... nothing???? I was still thinking the CFI had pulled something when I turned and asked, "What now?" He said, "I don't know." I asked, "Is this a test?" "No, this is real." [yikes]

Up to now my son still thought we were playing a joke. I had already begun a slow turn toward a golf course we had just passed before the engine failure.

I asked if he wanted to take over. He said, "Not yet but have you forgotten something?"

I said, "Oh, yeah," tuned to 121.5 and keyed the button on the yoke. "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday... [etc] ...I have three souls on board.""

==== Sure....we believe you. You should write a book about that experience and have Oprah push it. (Although, you DO resemble Dr. Phil)

Please do, and let me know what post in particular, in a audio newsgroup, you are speaking of.

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sort of like Fowler only

What is it with you and this "Fowler"? Seems like you two have a lot to talk about with each other.

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