Netopia 3346 and Sonicwall TZ170

Here's my situation.

I have a DSL connection, which the Netopia 3346 is plugged into and being used as the modem (I don't need it's firewall capabilities).

From one of the 4 LAN ports on the Netopia, I have a cat5 cable going

into the Sonicwall TZ170 WAN interface. Then, all my clients are plugged into the LAN ports on the Sonicwall.

I'm using NAT on both devices, and my Netopia is using as it's gateway address, and the Sonicwall as it's gw. The Sonicwall's WAN IP is DHCP (getting it's address from the Netopia).

My dilemma, how do I get VPN to work through the Netopia, ultimately talking to the Sonicwall? I can get VPN to work from inside the network (a client that's plugged into the Sonicwall can connect to the VPN). Clients plugged into the Netopia, do NOT VPN in.

I believe some of my issues are:

  1. Why am I using two different NAT's in my situation?
  2. Why am I using DHCP on the Sonicwall LAN interface, make it static

Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA!

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I understand that there is double NAT happening which is not advisable.If you are creating a site to site VPN make sure UDP 500 and IP 50 are allowed on netopia device.If possible turn of NAT on netopia.So if you turn off NAT on netopia, it will just pass the traffic to sonicwall where sonicwall will takecare about natting. Secondly you cant make LAN IP of sonicwall in dynamic IP addressing scheme.

So make sure on DSL and netopia UDP 500 & IP 50 are allowed.

With regards Pradeep wrote:

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I understand that there is double NAT happening which is not advisable.If you are creating a site to site VPN make sure UDP 500 and IP 50 are allowed on netopia device.If possible turn of NAT on netopia.So if you turn off NAT on netopia, it will just pass the traffic to sonicwall where sonicwall will takecare about natting. Secondly you cant make LAN IP of sonicwall in dynamic IP addressing scheme.

So make sure on DSL and netopia UDP 500 & IP 50 are allowed.

With regards Pradeep wrote:

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