What is wrong with GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll ?

What's wrong with GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll ?

It interferes with Visual Studio debugging process I am doing, VC automatically picks up the dll into my process space. This is not acceptable. It may be just a spider but it might also works both ways - means, it crawls for contents for the user, and it also crawls contents from usre's machine to google (or someone else). Google should be responsible for any possible damages it might cause since installation, this implies legal consequences.

Badware - Google DeskTop from file.net

The process Google Desktop belongs to the software Google Desktop or GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll or Google Toolbar for Internet or DVD Solution by Google.

Description: File GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll is located in a subfolder of "C:\\Program Files". Known file sizes on Windows XP are 111616 bytes (29% of all occurrence), 126464 bytes, 110592 bytes, 136704 bytes,

135168 bytes, 163328 bytes, 135680 bytes, 149504 bytes, 142848 bytes, 146432 bytes, 164864 bytes, 134656 bytes. The program has a visible window. Program starts upon Windows startup (see Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT \\CurrentVersion\\Windows\\AppInit_DLLs). The file is not a Windows system file. There is no file information. GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll is able to monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 38% dangerous.

Important: Some malware camouflage themselves as GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll, particularly if they are located in c: \\windows or c:\\windows\\system32 folder. Thus check the GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll process on your pc whether it is pest. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. It is one of the Top Download Picks of 2005 of The Washington Post and PC World.


I checked the DLL contents:

Struc has Child(ren). Size: 640 bytes.

Child Type: StringFileInfo Language/Code Page: 1033/1200 CompanyName: Google FileDescription: Google Desktop FileVersion: 5.1.705.14375 InternalName: Google Desktop LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) 2003-07 Google. All Rights Reserved. ProductName: Google Desktop ProductVersion: 5.1.705.14375

====================================== This is what it is doing in memory:

fast delayed loading -


db 'GoogleDesktopCommon.dll',0 Google Desktop main :


unicode 'GoogleDesktopSetup.exe',0000h

Messes around in the registry

unicode 'regsvr32.exe',0000h

Installs a network code (punch a hole in user's firewall)


unicode '_GD_Install_Network',0000h

... ...

Then, it behaves like a web server:

db 0Dh,0Ah,'Content-Type: text/html',0Dh,0Ah,'Content-Length: 6',

0Dh,0Ah,0Dh,0Ah,'unsafe',0 Align 4 SSZ480196C4_HTTP_1_1_302_Moved__Location__: db 'HTTP/1.1 302 Moved',0Dh,0Ah,'Location: ',0 Align 4 SWC480196E4_internal_port: unicode 'internal_port',0000h

... ... SSZ48019790__HTTP_: db ' HTTP/',0 Align 4 SSZ48019798_POST_: db 'POST ',0 Align 4 SSZ480197A0_GET_: db 'GET ',0 Align 4 SSZ480197A8_redir: db 'redir',0 Align 4 L480197B0: db 0Ah; db 00h; db 00h; db 00h; L480197B4: db 3Fh; '?' db 73h; 's' db 3Dh; '=' db 00h; L480197B8: db 26h; '&' db 73h; 's' db 3Dh; '=' db 00h; SSZ480197BC_Referer__http___127_0_0_1_4664_: db 'Referer:',0 SSZ480197DC_Referer__http___localhost_4664_: db 'Referer: http://localhost:4664/',0 SWC480197FC_localhost_:

... ...

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