ISDN & Cisco 804 (IOS 12.1)

Hello All,

First, apologies for total cluelessness on Cisco and ISDN in general.

Second, I'm attempting to get an ISDN access up and running in a small town about an hour from where I live. The goal was to have an 'always on' connection for some monitoring equipment there in that remote location. And I wanted to be able to port forward into some hardware there (wireless router, embedded webservers, etc.)

I had some success today and got the 804 up and running and achieved Internet connectivity. But in the process of I have learned several things, some I think may be fixable, others may not.

Can I configure the 804 to be always on? i.e. not to timeout and close the connection?

Can I configure the 804 to allow me to telnet into it for config changes from an outside phone line?

I thought I had found enough info on NAT and port forwarding to get that working but apparently not. When I 'show ip interface' it doesn't respond with anything. After I 'ip nat inside source static tcp 80 interface BRI0 8051' it won't appear when I 'show ip nat translations'. My goal is to be able to get to addresses on the LAN by going to the IP of the router from the Internet and adding a unique port. For instance: would take me to on the LAN.

Things I've learned... each e'net port on the back of the 804 needs to be configured? individually.

BRI0 is one of the phone lines? It gets its IP address from the ISP DHCP?

IOS is very powerful, but very unforgiving of boneheads that have never used it before and the GUI tools that CISCO offers for the 804 are lacking.

Can anyone offer some advice and answer my questions?



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Hi John,

You may wish to investigate Cisco's 804 Configuring a Leased ISDN Line:

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Hope this helps.

Brad Reese BradReese.Com - Cisco Power Supply Headquarters

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I had seen that in the manual and tried it. The link didn't work after I made those changes to the configuration. I tried both settings also. When I asked the Qwest people about 'leased line' they had never heard the term before! Remember, I'm not attempting to go from remote to remote, I'm trying to go from remote to ISP servers. Essentially, it's just ISDN dial-up.

Thanks for the pointer, the link to the huge 800 series manual will be of some help.


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