Explain this a little better please.

I copied this statement from a Cisco training tutorial I just browsed. The last sentence in the paragraph is not very clear to me. Would one of you PIX experts explain it in english please.

In software versions 5.2 and higher, for all inbound traffic, the PIX Firewall denies translations for destination IP addresses identified as network addresses or broadcast addresses. It uses the global IP and mask from a static command statement to differentiate regular IP addresses from network or broadcast addresses. If a global IP address is a valid network address with a matching network mask, then the PIX Firewall disallows the xlate for network or broadcast IP addresses with inbound packet.

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I think it means the PIX won't allow inbound traffic destined for a network IP address or broadcast IP address.

Regards, Steve

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In article , wrote: :I copied this statement from a Cisco training tutorial I just browsed. :The last sentence in the paragraph is not very clear to me. Would one :of you PIX experts explain it in english please.

It -is- in English, and if it does not happen to be clear, then it is probably best re-explained in algorithm form.

:In software versions 5.2 and higher, for all inbound traffic, the PIX :Firewall

return if ( PIX_major_version < 5 || PIX_minor_version < 2 );

:denies translations for destination IP addresses identified as :network addresses or broadcast addresses.

:It uses the global IP and :mask from a static command statement to differentiate regular IP :addresses from network or broadcast addresses. If a global IP address :is a valid network address with a matching network mask, then the PIX :Firewall disallows the xlate for network or broadcast IP addresses with :inbound packet.

/* the following mostly ignores IPv6 for brevity */

typedef enum { Unset_Address, IPv4_Address, IPv6_Address } address_variety_e;

typedef struct { address_variety_e address_variety; union { IPv4_address_t ipv4_address; IPv6_address_t ipv6_address; } ip_address; } ip_address_t;

typedef struct { ip_address_t ip; ip_address_t mask; } ip_and_mask_t;

typedef struct { logical interface_active; ip_and_mask_t ip_and_mask; other_interface_info_t other_interface_info; } interface_table_entry_t;

ip_address_t find_base_address( ip_and_mask_t ip_addr ) { ip_address_t base_address; if ( ip_addr.ip.address_variety == Unset_Address ) { base_address.address_variety = Unset_Address; base_address.ipv4_address = 0; return base_address; } else if ( ip_addr.ip.address_variety == IPv4_Address ) { base_address.address_variety = IPv4_Address; base_address.ipv4_address = ip_addr.ip.ipv4_address & ~ip_addr.mask.ipv4_address; return base_address; } else { ... } }

ip_address_t find_broadcast_address( ip_and_mask_t ip_addr ) { ip_address_t broad_address; if ( ip_addr.ip.address_variety == Unset_Address ) { broad_address.address_variety = Unset_Address; broad_address.ipv4_address = ~0; return broad_address; } else if ( ip_addr.ip.address_variety == IPv4_Address ) { broad_address.address_variety = IPv4_Address; broad_address.ipv4_address = ip_addr.ip.ipv4_address | ~ip_addr.mask.ipv4_address; return broad_address; } else { ... } }

typedef enum { Unset_static, Network_static, Port_static, Policy_static, } static_variety_e;

/* The following structure ignores policy statics and ignores the details of matching against the right interface -- it assumes a simple two-interface model


typedef struct static_table_entry_s { struct static_table_entry_s *next_entry; static_variety_e static_variety; ip_and_mask_t outside_ip_and_mask; ip_and_mask_t inside_ip_and_mask; uint16_t outside_port; uint16_t inside_port; } static_table_entry_t;

logical is_network_address(ip_address_t ip_addr) { extern interface_table_entry_t interface_table[MAX_INTERFACES]; extern static_table_entry_t *static_table;

int tab_idx; static_table_entry_t *static_tab_ptr;

for (tab_idx = 0; tab_idx < MAX_INTERFACES; tab_idx++ ) { if ( interface_table[tab_idx].is_active && ip_addr == find_base_address( interface_table[tab_idx].ip_and_mask ) ) { return TRUE; } }

for ( static_tab_ptr = static_table; static_tab_ptr != NULL; static_tab_ptr = static_tab_ptr->next_entry; ) { if ( static_tab_ptr->static_variety == Network_static && find_base_address( static_tab_ptr->outside_ip_and_mask ) != find_broad_address( static_tab_ptr->outside_ip_and_mask ) && ip_addr == find_base_address( static_tab_ptr->outside_ip_and_mask ) ) { return TRUE; } else if ( static_tab_ptr->static_variety == Port_static ) { /* left as an exercise for the reader */ } }

return FALSE; }

logical is_broad_address(ip_address_t ip_addr) { extern interface_table_entry_t interface_table[MAX_INTERFACES]; extern static_table_entry_t *static_table;

int tab_idx; static_table_entry_t *static_tab_ptr;

for (tab_idx = 0; tab_idx < MAX_INTERFACES; tab_idx++ ) { if ( interface_table[tab_idx].is_active && ip_addr == find_broad_address( interface_table[tab_idx].ip_and_mask ) ) { return TRUE; } }

for ( static_tab_ptr = static_table; static_tab_ptr != NULL; static_tab_ptr = static_tab_ptr->next_entry; ) { if ( static_tab_ptr->static_variety == Network_static && find_base_address( static_tab_ptr->outside_ip_and_mask ) != find_broad_address( static_tab_ptr->outside_ip_and_mask ) && ip_addr == find_broad_address( static_tab_ptr->outside_ip_and_mask ) ) { return TRUE; } else if ( static_tab_ptr->static_variety == Port_static ) { /* left as an exercise for the reader */ } }

return FALSE; }

logical xlate_allowed( whatever ) { ... if ( packet_direction == inbound && (is_network_address(destination) || is_broadcast_address(destination)) ) { return FALSE; } ... }

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Walter Roberson

OMG, you are sick. :)

Regards, Steve

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