configuring a cisco ips 4240


I am trying to put in place a cisco 4240 over my network. I need help how to connect it and where.

What i've done so fare, is configuring the ip gateway and all the rest, it's in place over the managment interface with an internat ip. Accessible over ssl and ssh, everything is fine.

Now i have group 0 that contain the 4 sensing interfaces. What to do after, witch cable to plug where if i want to monitor internet traffic ? what i have is this

Internet connected to a switch, from the switch it's connected to a pix, and then from the pix it's going the internal stuff.

What i want to monitor, is the people coming in to the firewall, so where to put the cable ?

In the switch ? of to the the pix interface ? or is the IPS like a bridge, ?? like should i put a cable from the switch to int0 (ips) and then from int1 (ips) to the firewall ?

Please i need help, if somebody need a graphic schema of the network let me know.

Thank you.

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It's not a pass through what you need to do is set up a switch in front of your firewall plug your ethernet segments to both the router and firewall into the same switch (on the same vlan). then span the port on the switch and plug that interface into your IPS.

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