Reading Watchguard Logs

Silly question....

I'm trying to analyze some of our logs and not sure what to make of the Proto heading.

Date Time Disp. i/f Proto.

07/30/01 11:17:23 deny in eth0 78 udp 20 128

I understand the 'udp' part, but what do the 78, 20 and 128 mean?



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Which WG unit do you have?

My firebox units have a LOT more in the logs and the log viewer has a header that explains the columns.

My columns are as follows: Date Time Disp (deny/allow) Direction (in/out) I/F (interface ETH0:1, ETH0:2, ETH0, ETH1....) Protocol UDP, ICMP, TCP Source IP Dest IP Source Port Dest Port Details (rule that caused the action)

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I am running a FB 1000 (or 3) I think I understand everything else, except the '78 udp 20 128' E.g. what does the 78 mean? same for the 20 and 128.

Thanks for the response!


Leythos wrote:

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Paste the entire line of the log entry, it appears you're missing something.

You're missing the source/dest IP values in what you've pasted and the "Details" value also.

All my UDP entries show a lot more detail than your.

My Firebox III/1000, II, x700, X1000, etc... all show a lot more detail than you've provided.

What version of the firmware and logging are you running?

The current version is 7.4x

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Here it is:

06/21/06 10:12 firewalld[127]: deny in eth2 78 udp 20 128 137 137 (spoofed source address)

BTW - We are running v7.3.


Leythos wrote:

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137 is from typical Windows crap, we always block ports 135 through 139 and 445 between interfaces.

The spoofed could be a couple things:

1) Is your internal network on If not, then you've got a rogue NODE someplace in your network. 2) You didn't setup the blocked NAT Config to allow, default is to not approve I think.


As for the 78, 20, 128, I don't know what they represent. When I check my logs I don't see things like that anywhere.

Consider posting to the WG WSF groups and asking them.

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