Netscreen ScreenOS

I have netscreen 5XP - i have no support i want to download ScreenOs 4 (i do not need 5 - it would be nice) because i want to create VPN between PIX nad 5XP

formatting link
This the reason why Is any way to obtain this software (or anyone have i would be gratefull)


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I got ns5xp.4.0.2r6 on a cd. Does it suit you ?

Laurent a écrit :

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I can even create FTP server for You

Regards Robert

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Yes, Please do so. I cannot send E-mail with file attached larger than

2 MB.


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Yes, Please do so. I cannot send E-mail with file attached larger than

2 MB.


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OK no worries I will create totay 7PM (london time) and if You are from london I will buy yoy a beer:D

Thank you Robert

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I downloaded ns5xp.5.0.0r3.0 (2,34MB) if you want to i can send to you

but if you can please upload me 4x version

FTP Server IP address: username: firewall password: firewall

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give me few minutes i will setup ftp proper

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FTP Server IP address: username: firewall password: firewall

should beOK do you want to something i can put and you can download


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Until someone submits an abuse complaint.

Or an E-Mail to Netscreen.


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Volker Birk

Does it have the security flaw described?

We're on 5.0.r8 (or something like that - not logged into the fw right now)

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Never mind - I got up too early and just saw NetScreen and thought you were replying to my post.

I guess this is more of a forum for software pirates than people interested in security.

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it is only 1 reason - i wanted setup VPN between PIX and Netscreen - and My company deicded to buy SUPPORT - and i will have support - i do not have to worry about screen os anymore

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Before you jump down the guys' throat, you can't buy support for a 5XP as far as I'm aware, you're just out of luck.

So, he may not have any other option.


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Which might hint that the box is obsolete, no longer fit for purpose.

However, if the vendor is no longer willing to sell support, presumably they do not expect the product to generate further revenue and have ceased developing firmware updates - so why not make the last version freely available?

Indeed. Should using software you can no longer obtain a license for be considered piracy?


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Yeah, my employer pays big bucks for NT4 security patches - and will do so until it's cheaper to retire or redevelop the application. Some vendors support obsolete product indefinitely if the customer is willing to pay.

Nor would I consider giving away NT4 patches.

How would you respond if your vendor had developed a firmware update with functionality and/or fixes you needed, but refused to sell it to you?

I have a problem with vendors who think they can force me to buy new hardware by refusing to sell available firmware updates for existing hardware. Blackmail vs piracy?


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Nope, should not be free. That would kind of make the point for paying for updates and other software mute. Windows 2000 is still a good OS, and Office 2000 is still viable, etc....

I run a firewall that is 5 years old, not supported, and has not had updates in 2 years, but it's still very strong, has no leaks, and cost me plenty, I would never consider GIVING the firmware away to anyone.

You could consider all software obsolete the day it hits the store, as they are already working on the next release, so why not just pirate everything - in case you miss the sarcasm, taking older software/firmware not freely released to PD is still piracy.

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Well, if it took me years to determine that I needed it, after what would be considered a normal support period, I would be upset, but I would also understand and have already resigned myself to the fact that I'm running unsupported/obsolete hardware that is not longer available - and that it's time to purchase new software/hardware that is fully supported.

I've had this happen with other firewall products - purchase one, have NO problems - new technology comes out years later, find that the old firewall has issues with the new method, no updates since the product is too old, but the newer products have updates (if you have a subscription) to resolve it.... Does that mean I'm entitled to purchase a new firewall on ebay from someone that is selling it for $50 and then beg people on the Net for a free firmware update and key? Nope.

So, you are advocating that theft is justifiable when it suites your needs? Have you ever been told - two wrongs don't make a right?

Consider the firewall vendors - they provide free updates for XX months, some less, some more, after that you have to pay for them. They pay their developers for making the updates, they pay their sales people to keep selling, they pay for security audits, etc... So, along comes some chap that doesn't want to pay for a support contract and is no longer entitled to free updates - the chap gets a Friend or some lamer on the net to provide him with the firmware update - money lost to the company, and if the firmware has problems he's going to expect that they fix that too.....

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Really? We have a couple where I work and we have support for them.

I just go their website and d/l the latest ScreenOS whenever I want to.

Except that he does.

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I would say no, but you can get maintenance for it.

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