error.log entry

The point I get is to use a floppy containing the checking program, and that I would be able to use even then the server is up and running.

For that propose I use 'Insert' instead.

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Even if I suspect that it has been compromised I will sure boot in to it, after I disconnect it from the net.


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OK, back to context: We were talking about the situation when you can reasonably assume the system was compromised.

If the system is not in such a desolate state, you can run the file integrity check from about any point, including the to-be-checked system itself.


Well, then you've already failed. The compromised system can lie to you as much as it wants, including an in-memory modification of the checker program to always return the checksums to always report success / the expected checksums / checksums of an uncompromised system.

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Sebastian Gottschalk

Sebastian, I realize that English isn't your primary language, but you really do need more practice in reading it. Take your dictionary and look up the word "removable". Then look at the word "install" and see how they relate.

Actually, I meant what I wrote - the media should not even be in the drive - on the off chance that someone trying to mount it on the off chance that something interesting/useful might be there.

Old guy

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Moe Trin

md5sum works on a "per file" basis. What you _could_ do is to make an md5sum of the partition (remember, "everything is a file"), although there could be rather interesting complications if the entire partition is not mounted read-only.

We're a bit more paranoid, and anyway we're mainly rpm based. We have two individuals tasked with monitoring the security groups and downloading all errata as source packages. They then do an audit of the source before locally building the binaries and putting those onto a local updates server. For ordinary stuff, there is a nightly cron-job run on all systems that looks in the errata server, and installs anything found there. It also sends a mail with an "installed package list" to an inventory server so we can keep track of things.

A neighbor teaches UNIX at a local junior college, and the "Introduction to UNIX" class teaches basic concepts and some applications (vi, mail, man, cat, wc, more, less, sort, tr, sed, grep, cut, awk, find, regular expressions, pipes and redirections). The first two or three weeks of class (3 hour class twice a week), the students are flailing away - way over their head. By the ninth week, they are doing "one-liners" like

[compton ~]$ history | sed 's/^......//' | tr '|' '\\n' | sed 's/^ *//' | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u | wc -l 84 [compton ~]$

He has a hand-out for 'vi' that is five pages long. The textbook used covers vi in one chapter of 48 pages. It also has 60 pages in a chapter on 'ed' and 'ex', but he just skims over that. Looking at the O'Reilly catalog

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the "Learning the vi Editor, 6th Edition" (ISBN 1-56592-426-6) is 344 pages, while the chapter covering vi in the 'Linux in a Nutshell' and 'UNIX in a Nutshell' is less than 15 pages.

You don't need to know everything about vi to use it effectively. Depending on what packages your distribution supplied, you might have the 'vim' clone, and that comes with

[compton ~]$ whatis vim vimtutor vim (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor vim [ex] (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor vim [gvim] (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor vim [rvi] (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor vim [rview] (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor vim [vi] (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor vim [view] (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor vimtutor (1) - the Vim tutor [compton ~]$ rpm -qd `rpm -qa | grep ^vim` | wc -l 311 [compton ~]$

The latter command is rpm specific, but queries the installed packages that begin with the string 'vim' to count the number of files identified as "documentation" (man pages, help pages, HOWTOs, FAQs, and general information) that is installed from those packages.

Old guy

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Moe Trin

Gottschalk - READ THE GOD DAMN POST!!! Or stop posting because you don't have a clue! Look at the freakin' man page and learn what "noauto" means.

Nope you are the one who doesn't know what you are talking about.

Yes - just ignore this idiot, as his help is useless.

Old guy

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Moe Trin

I know what "noauto" means. That's exactly why I wrote a statement _against_ it.

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Sebastian Gottschalk

My English still is so well that I know that "insert" is a much more appropiate and especially more common word for this action.

That's nonsense, since the floppy doesn't contain any secret.

Reply to
Sebastian Gottschalk

Moe Trin skrev:

Maybe it is better to first use 'debsums -s', and go from that point to see if and there to create any md5's on separate files.

I don't think I have to be that paranoid, it is no critical environment, just the GPG key's and a restrictive sources.list wold be good enough for me.

I have Vim installed as I erratically call 'Vi'.

It was this little bible I had in mind.

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'VI Improved (VIM)' by 'Steve Oualline' made in 2002, and it is actually in

572 pages or (using 'wc -w') 142505 words.

VIM manuals and more on the sourceforge.

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The disadvantage of 'debsums' is that is that is only monitors the files that belong to packages. Your home directory, data for your server and so on is not checked - as the Debian package maintainers can't know what those files/directories are going to look like. There is a 'debsums_gen' tool, but that's probably not going to help either. A disadvantage of these package tools is shown in the header of the man pages:

[van-allen ~]$ whatis debsums debsums_gen debsums (1) - check the MD5 sums of installed Debian packages debsums_gen (8) - Generate /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums for packages lacking it [van-allen ~]$

They only do MD5 sums. (rpm is similar, but also notes size, permissions and ownerships). Compare that to a designated Integrity checker. In fact, look at the bottom of the debsums(1) man page: debsums is intended primarily as a way of determining what installed files have been locally modified by the administrator or damaged by media errors and is of limited use as a security tool. If you are looking for an integrity checker that can run from safe media, do integrity checks on checksum databases and can be easily configured to run periodically to warn the admin of changes see other tools such as: aide, integrit, samhain, or tripwire. I'm aware of an application called 'fcheck(1)' which can be found on some Debian installations. It was a Perl script. Two other possibilities are 'fam' and 'gamin' - although 'fam' has gotten a reputation as a resource pig.

Old guy

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Moe Trin

Moe Trin skrev:

I just have to thank you for you're time taken. And tell you that I am going to use Aide, I have been struggling with the aide.conf a couple of hours, and now I believe that I have a functional .conf for my desktop (haven't had time to make it for the server), but there is no way I gonna be able to use a floppy-disk the size is almost 2MB, so have to keep it on an USB-stick instead. The advantage is that I be able to have several installations on that USB-stick (128MB), the disadvantage is that I wan't to use the stick for other purposes to.


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Glad to help

Well, there were 2.88 MB floppies long ago, and there were Zip drives in various sizes, but a USB stick is a _LOT_ more convenient.

You'll just have to get another ;-)

Old guy

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