password recovery, forethought

hi gang,

spank me if this is the wrong place to ask but could anyone hit me with a cluebat on how to reset the cdb on a forerunner asx-200bx atm switch? i know about the 'send break on testing peripherals bootmessage' but after that i'm too dense to see any cdb-related commands.

again, apologies for asking ot stuff but any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



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Sven Juergensen
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You may wish to investigate Default Logins and Passwords for Networked Devices:

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Brad Reese BradReese.Com=AE Cisco Resource Center United Kingdom: 44-20-70784294 U=2ES. Toll Free: 877-549-2680 International: 828-277-7272 Fax: 775-254-3558=20 Website:

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With a termial attached to the serial port, reset the switch using a straightened paper clip. When "Decomp..." displays on the front panel display, press and hold the "Next" and "Select" buttons. After a short time the display should stop scrolling. When you release the buttons, the prompt "Boot without reading flash? (y/n)" should be displayed on the terminal. Type "y" and press . The promt "Clear the AMI password?" (y/n) will be displayed. Type "y" and press . The AMI user account on the switch now has no password.

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