which device for router and gateway?

I have cable internet service with Cox. My service agreement allows for

1.5 mbps down and 384 kbps up. The modem installed is a Toshiba PCX1100. I have a MacSense Xrouter as the gateway; this device handles port control and NAT.

Over the past few months I have had some trouble with power levels in the modem, plus dropped connections and time outs. I need to get better quality of service. Cox and the local power company are being helpful, and I have asked Cox to upgrade the modem. What is a good replacement? Would they still help with support if I provide my own?

I am also looking at the equipment under my direct control with an eye toward best performance under the circumstances. I have noted about a

10% to 15% drop in upload rates when the Xrouter is in place. So I am considering a replacement for the router.

One option to is use SME Server (e-smith) as a gateway on a 2.4.ghz P4 machine. Another is a new router such as an SMC Barricade. Anyone care to offer a suggestion and/or opinion?

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Mark Phillips
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I think that your 10-15% loss through the router is going to be typical. If there is an MTU adjustment, you could try playing with that. However, if your basic connection is questionable, then you should get that corrected before throwing $$ into a new router. Some of that loss might be due to effects of the connection itself. As far as modems are concerned, RCA (Thompson) 2xy series are good, Motos, Tareyon (although they have no on-board diagnostics, which I think everyone needs). If Cox is replacing their modem, it's going to be whatever they have on the truck; you won't have much choice.

Look at the modem FAQ at

formatting link
and the Cox Forum as well.

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Thanks for the comments. I will look at the sites you mention.

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Mark Phillips

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