Should I switch to sBC from Comcast?

$19.95 is the montly fee IF you also switch to SBC as your long distance carrier. At some point they are going to "slam" you (i.e. yank you away from your current LD company). At least this is so in California.

$26.95 / month if you do not use their long distance services in CA.

Trusting a SALES person to quote line distances is like trusting a butcher to repair your car engine.

They say somewhere in their web site they have a 30-day money back guarantee, but if you read the review above, they enjoy disconnecting customers early and CONTINUE BILLING after service has been shut down.

If you see a 'X' in my address, please remove it before e-mailing me. Do not add me to any MicroSoft address book; let's stop the viruses. Do not send me unsolicited mail. I track and report spammers.

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Well, for whatever it's worth, I took the plunge and have an order in progress with them. I won't hesitate to cancel quickly though if things aren't up and running happily within the first few weeks.

I do have a question about that which I'll post in another thread.


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Al Puzzuoli

That's fine. Just get as much as you can in writing, and get lot's of names. If something goes wrong, you want to argue from a position of strength.

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But if he already has phone service from SBC, being on the do-not-call list doesn't stop SBC from calling him and offering additional services: there is an existing business relationship.


On 01/09/05 07:05 pm Erik Freitag tossed the following ingredients into the ever-growing pot of cybersoup:

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Percival P. Cassidy


What are they going to charge you for your service? They have been running a $14.95 and a $3.20 basic phone service ad's recently (I'm on Vonage) and I was wondering what are the real costs.


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