oh no..not a Moose Z1100

Ok...I'll comprimise with MIDDLE posting...

| >| >

I tried QuoteFix for a while...it slowed me down.


| >| **TOP POSTING FIXED** | >| | >| >Yep removable terminal strips was a good idea....the on/off switch I | >didn't | >| >like. | >| | >| | >| Why didn't you like the on/off switch? I thought is was great when | >| adding new powered components, there was no need to pull a leg off the | >| AC terminals and risk blowing the x-former or conversely risk a fuse | >| blow whist powering the new device. | | | lol.. TOP POSING FIXED AGAIN.. lol | | >Bottom posting is a pain. | | let me help you: |

formatting link
| | | | >I didn't like the switch because the homeowner can just turn off the panel - | >like he did. Oh yeah the on/off switch!...yeah I guess I did turn it off..is | >that what it was? | >

| | That's why Wade gave you a lock with the panel! |

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Crash Gordon
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I seem to remember a Z1100 in a Nutone box, or am I imagining that?

| > > "The * key is your best friend" | > >

| > > (Moose people will understand) | >

| > Yup. That was a major headache. (And still is.) | > js | | You know I'm suprised a certain person in this newsgroup didn't mention that | in all his supposed conversations to Wade | |

Reply to
Crash Gordon

Nope. Moose private labeled panels for Nutone, the only quality product ever to wear the Nutone name. Actually, it was "Nutech". Same panel and keypad kit, but with the "Nutech" label, and about $10 cheaper than the same kit with a Moose label. js

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you still have any of those in service? ;)

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Sure, a couple hundred I think. I pull them out only when I need to for more zones, keypad upgrades, etc. The ones still in service are still cooking, some since 1986 or so. js

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ah yah that was it NUtech.

I did like the blue lcd keypads.

Reply to
Crash Gordon

Yea the NuTone SX-3100

Reply to
Mark Leuck

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