Firelite MS5024UD


I may try 4 X 2 if I can't isolate the problem.

The tough part is I have done a complete inspection and test ont his panel per NFPA four times now. Everything tests out just perfect.

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Bob La Londe
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I would "think" that given the product liablility issue would prompt FireLite to just replace the panel rather than use an active fire alarm site as a TEST site!....this seems like a liability suit waiting to happen.

Reply to
Crash Gordon

Not exactly, but the tech guy specificaly mentioned CID " Not every receiver that is "Contact ID" compatible is going to work with every panel. " in one of his e-mails. I figured there is a reason for that. He also suggested using 4X2 " I would try other formats to see what works and is received fine by the central station, something like 4+2 format." standard in another as an option when I asked if siwtching to a pulse format would solve the problem. Of course I had never told him what format I was using in the first place so, I assumed there was a reason he mentioned CID specifically.

Reply to
Bob La Londe

P.S. Remember the FBII XL-31. Has runaways with CID reporting. Switch back to pulse 4 X 2 and it works just fine.

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Bob La Londe

Can't hurt but did FireLite say this (bogus) problem only happens with CID?

Reply to
Mark Leuck

Hey I been around and know how things work, people complain then they suddenly "go away"... know what I mean?

Reply to
Mark Leuck

That still won't lock up a panel

The only time that could happen is between 10-digit and 4-digit CID available on the Ademco 15/20P panels but not supported by Fire-Lite.

Reply to
Mark Leuck

True but did that lock up the panel? No

Reply to
Mark Leuck

The latest.

ME The problem is it is not consistent. Its been almost three months since the last problem with this panel. I have also ordered some phone line suppressors just to be on the safe side.



Let us know what the final outcome is.



Well, push come to shove you have a problem with this panel. I can see communications problems, but there is absolutely no good reason for it to lock up regardless.

P.S. This panel was installed this year and is most definitely still under warranty.

Reply to
Bob La Londe

THEM: Bob,

If you look on the board, there should be a white sticker with a persons name on it, with numbers (ex. Dawn S 4003), the first two digits represent the week and the last two are the year it was manufactured, so the example would be the 40th week of 2003. A year from that date is the warranty from FireLite.

ME: Interesting. So you guys won't honor the warranty on a panel from the date of sale? It didn't sit on my shelf, but I can't speak for the distributor.

Further comments. We shall see what they say. They are now going out of their way to prequalify it as probably not under warranty. Are things really that bad over at Firelite?

Reply to
Bob La Londe

Heh, Tri-Ed pulls that shit with me now and then; pointing to the date on a board as a warranty qualifier. (DSC) js

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The "warranty" issue should be handled by your distributor, and not between you and FireLite. When you purchase a vehicle in September '05 that was made in February 2005 the warranty starts from when you drive it off the lot, not from the date it was made. The manufacturer's date is there to identify specific issues with the hardware or firmware and has absolutely nothing to do with the "in service" date or the day you buy it from Tried (if however you purchased something from Tried and found out it was made in

1999, I'd take it back and give 'em hell!).

Nope. You got a guy that didn't know what the heck he was talkin' about.

Reply to
Frank Olson

I ran into that situation just once. Now I have them open the cans and right the dates right on the invoice. The ULC panels have serial numbers on them so it makes identifying specific panels easier but not completely fool-proof (the serial number isn't on the board). The solution would probably involve an extra step at the factory but if they did that with all their units, there would be no argument.

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