Another inept Bush pal leaves FEMA

I actually stood up and cheered! Freeloaders are the problem alright,

27 kids ahahahahahaha
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50 grand a year for university? That's downright criminal.


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We have a shelter here where the ingrates accost drivers at stoplights RIGHT OUTSIDE THE VERY BUILDING THAT FEEDS, CLOTHES AND SHELTERS THEM. How much f****ng lazier can you get?

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The head up the butt comes from years of government mismanagement by both the Republicans and the Democrats. Both will spend your money, both will cheat you, both are inept. Are you trying to say you're rolling the dice and hoping for the lesser of two evils? You'll get better odds in Las Vegas.


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The backbone of the college loan program is simple. You get a low interest loan because the government guarantees that they will pay it off if you or, more appropriately, your son fail to do so. The cost to the taxpayer includes program administration, actual payoffs for deadbeats, etc. You benefited by not having to pay usurious rates the banks are charging and not having to commit your home's equity to college loans, freeing up that equity for other purposes.

Work-study is IMO a rip-off. The kid is paid minimum wage to work at school when he could probably do better at a part-time job in the community.

It is indeed aid; it is not a *grant*. The above begs the question, why are you going to have to pay it off? What is wrong with having Junior pay for his own education once he completes it?

I have two grown sons, both college educated. The oldest went to UCONN, an excellent state university system. He got aid in the form of reduced tuition because he was a state resident plus small grants from the national science foundation (I think that's correct; it was some years ago) and several corporate sponsors. TTBOMK, out of state and foreign students pay respectively higher and full costs simply because it is state run. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they don't offer lower prices to foreigners.

He also got some work-study as a dorm monitor and the following year as the dorm supervisor. The rest was a DoD Grant (Dear old Dad's money).

My younger son went to a community college (cheap tuition for local residents) for two years and then to Cornel on a merit scholarship (private grants and scholarships). He maintained a

4.0 in high school and junior college, participated in wrestling and track and various service clubs.

That $6,000 grant would pay the entire tuition at some community colleges.

I was fortunate in that one of my sons was able to finish college with very little financial help from home. His own hard work plus participation in various programs paid off. My other son's expenses were in fact mostly paid for by the state because state colleges and universities do that for residents. I don't know your situation but mine at the time my boys were in school would have qualified as middle class. We received as much help as we needed.

I'm not sure that you're correct about kids from other lands. There are fewer and fewer funds available to people from outside the US these days and the rules concerning college and secondary school admittance are becoming stricter every day.

A nephew of mine came to the US two years ago on a tourist visa. While visiting friends in Michigan he decided to go to college with their children. He signed up for classes, paid his own way in full and enjoyed a great school year. The school never told him that he should not be attending classes on a tourist visa. I knew that because I've done some work on the SEVIS system but I was not aware that he only had a tourist visa so I couldn't warn him. As a result of his mistake he is now unable to return to the US for 7 or 10 years. I'm not sure which.

It seems unfair but try to understand that these programs are designed to offer the most help to students who otherwise would be unable to attend college at all. Merit scholarships which your son received are not based on need but ability and his hard work. Need based assistance has nothing to do with how hard you worked. It is a means of providing opportunity to those who would otherwise be unable to pull themselves out of the cycle of poverty.

It has not so much to do with deserving help as needing it. You, through your hard work and skills, have made a good life for yourself and your family. Some people, due to the lower economic station of their families, are unable to obtain what you have no matter how hard they work. Need based scholarship is an effort, perhaps a somewhat flawed one in your eyes, at righting that wrong.

Let's be realistic. Like me, you're not going to the poorhouse and you're not going to wind up on welfare. You'll have to wait another year or two to buy the boat (unless you want Jiminex' used rowboat. I hear it's on eBay complete with one slightly used hammer hidden under the seat).

Well, yes but don't blame me. I'm a Democrat. :^)

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Robert L Bass

Yep the same liberal Democrats that vote for all the give-away programs. The same ones who keep lowering the bar so that even if they do go to college they'll never qualify to hold a decent job, anyway. Just enough help to keep them poor, so that they can't get out. And just enough to insure that they'll vote for the Democrats because they don't have to work for a living.

Yep you'd be one of those, alright!

You're so pathetic .... and a fat slob to boot.

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who cares, everything is soo cheap in the US it aint funny ... ;-)

I pay $100 to fill my jeep, $7 for a bottle of OJ, $3 for a litre of pepsi, $15 for a 6 pack of beer .... yeah thats pretty much my weekly grocery list :-(

A normal weekly grocery purchase of say normal stuff, i paid less than $50 in NY for, i paid $150 here, just did my first weekly buy in a while the other day ... it killed me .. then again if I dont, i spend $30 a day on just 3 fast food meals.

35% Customs Duty on Alarm Systems, 22% Duty on Video Equipment, 50-65% Duty on Vehicles, and add 7% stamp tax on everything ...

The person making $100,000 a year pays the same cost for something, as the poor person making $8,000 a week (average salary). Thats why Income tax is needed down here so bad, and to get rid of customs taxes, or lower them ... but things like TV tax is just pathetic! (UK)

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Its not *FREE* and never was. One of the problems of a socialist system is people think it is while they are paying massive taxes

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Mark Leuck

ofcourse.. Im working towards it.

Cant move to the US though until I get sponsorship and have something to offer the country, which is being worked on, in fact its basically completed, just have to tie up loose ends down here first. Im all about doing it legally :-)

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You did know you CAN move right?

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Mark Leuck

Particularly when a university education is *FREE* in Germany... And has been for years! I wonder if any Government on this side of the "pond" (and I mean Federal, State, and/or Provincial) has looked at their system??

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Frank Olson

Yah. Welp that's everything except books and 'puter. My degrees didn't cost anything near that!

| > The first year he got 6k "teaser" grant and some work-study and took 5K | > loan - the rest of the 40K I had to borrow. | >

| > The second year (this year) he got 3K of the now 45K it cost to go there | and | > NO work-study. Then he borrowed 5K and I have to borrow the rest. | >

| > In the mean time there are kids at his school with grades not as good as | > his, who come from "less advantaged positions in life" and from other | > countries that get FULL rides. How is that fair? I've worked my freekin | butt | > off and so has he getting 3.8 gpa all through high school & 1st year of | > college, paying oodles of taxes, and keeping people employeed for 20 years | > and we get a pittance and less qualified kids get full rides. They only | have | > to keep a C gpa to keep their aid..big freekin deal. We reward the wrong | > people in this country. Why do they deserve full rides, with less | > qualifications? Because they're from disadvantaged homes (or | whatever)...I'm | > gonna be in the poor house paying this off...then they can support me I | > guess. This country has it's head up its butt. | >

| > Its bullshit. | >

| >

| >

| | |

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Crash Gordon

Man, doncha know you could just flew to Mexico and walked in to Arizona? We gottem crossing illegally in droves.

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Crash Gordon

Aid..yah I guess.

I own the company...but I still install because it gets me out there with the clients. Before I downsized I'd lost touch with clients and client loyalty went way down. Now I'm out there pounding the pavement, smoozing with the clients and doing at least 2 installs a week...and having much more fun that sitting behind a desk listening to employee's excuses.

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Crash Gordon

Yep, I've done the same thing and had the same experience.

Big is good but, in moderation is better.

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You shouldn't be deprived of anything to pay for others. You should be deprived on principle.

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Robert L Bass

If you start with the understanding that Leuck says outrageously stupid things like the above only to incite an argument, there's no need to bother disproving his comments. The reality is that although he's a bit of a political ignoramus, Leuck isn't half as stupid as he appears.

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Robert L Bass

Stop complaining. They're just being socially responsible by not driving to work which would add to the air pollution in your favela.

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Robert L Bass

Oops. I mistook the prior poster for someone else. Consider the above wisecrack retracted. :^)

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Robert L Bass

It's not a stupid statement at all, try offering one of them a job sometime and see what happens, I have yet to find one willing to work, I also have spent many hours in several homeless shelters in the LA and Dallas area and know many of the people who went there and also know why they were there

If someone is an ignoramus it isn't me

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