Zone Alarm Disconnects Router from Internet

I see. You have an axe to grind, then.

If I knew what you were talking about I might be able to do all this. As it stands the machine is perfectly clean and has been for years. This is not sufficiently serious to worry about too much, and does not in any way affect security.

I'll try to find a USER newsgroup that talks the language of users.

Thank you for your input.

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I don't use OE; I tried Firefox, but didn't like it. The bookmarks management was appallingly bad, particularly with imported favourites.

Just that.

It would seem so.

:o))) They won't give me a refund - I've tried. I eventually got through to a support person, but this dried up after I told hime the router did not have its own firewall.

As it happens, it hasn't disconnected me for two days now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I may get a decent router one day.

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It looks like it from what you lot say.

You mean like I seem to be able to handle that with the hosts file, popups and doubleclick aren't problems.

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Jock wrote in news:

The router doesn't have a FW period. It may have SPI at best and some other FW like features.

You got some kind of problem and I don't know what it is. BTW, I don't consider ZA FW software. It's machine level protection at best that protects a machine services and Internet applications when the machine has a direct connection to the Internet.

If ZA is in the way, the switch to IPsec that's on the machine that can stop inbound or outbound by port, protocol or IP to supplement the NAT router. IPsec won't get in the way.

formatting link
Duane :)

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Duane Arnold


I don't use favorites in either Firefox or IE. When you find a site you want to make a note of, simply drag the icon in the address bar to the desktop. Then file it away in a folder or folder of folders and keep it on backup media. Then you can be sure to find it again in another 20 years when the site it references has long since disappeared.


Perhaps you should have told them that the router does have its own firewall. You wouldn't be any less correct than the average NAT box marketing department.

I prefer to use my own equipment instead of what my ISP may have supplied if they'd been given the chance to supply it.


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Jason Edwards

Sure it can. Just remove its power supply and then reconnect the power supply. If the PC with ZA still doesn't work then remove ZA and do not reconnect ZA.


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Jason Edwards

Am Tue, 22 Nov 2005 19:36:30 +0000 schrieb Jock:

No darling, Volker means something else.

But communication between windows in windows is (pun intended, honey).


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Wolfgang Kueter

Sorry, but I can't do much about it that you lack knowledge of security basics. Get yourself some good books about computer security and read them. After that read them again.

Are you sure? If yes, well fine. Sit back and relax.

Well, if you prefer to discuss a serious topic in some forum with people who mostly have really no clue, well, just do so. But don't come back here whinig because you 'just clicked that checkbox' and afterwards your system was screwed up.


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Wolfgang Kueter

I haven't the time for that, even if you have.

What's the German for bighead? Ah yes, der Großsprecher will do.

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Rather cumbersome?

I did.

This IS my own equipment.

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Here we go again. I repeat the router cannot be restarted while ZA is running, however much I disconnect and reconnect the supply, do IPCONFIG, PING the router and all the rest of it.

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I have had the same problem with my wireless notbook. The only reason I have ZA installed is because I occasionally connect to foreign networks in my travels.

You are exactly right... ZA will occasionally (for some unknown reason to me) block internet activity from the router, but will still allow me to access my desktop.

The only solution that works (at home) is to shut down ZA on the laptop, then go and reset the router, the restart ZA.

I have never had a problem wiht foreign networks because I'm not attached to them long enough for ZA to decide to block internet activity.

Reply to
Ryan P.

We all have our own preferences.


It's probably fine for your needs. Can you tell me the make and model number?


Reply to
Jason Edwards

Have you tried changing the MTU of the router yet? Just a wild guess. Try 1476 Also add to the trusted local zone if you must keep ZA.


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Jason Edwards

Jim wrote in news:

Please man some of the PFW solutions will start blocking all traffic or go into a traffic lockout mode when the machine goes inactive and you must tell the PFW to allow traffic again when the machine and PFW become active again. I don't know how many times I have informed users about this in other NG(s) when they start whining about I have a router but my machine doesn't have Internet access nor can I communicate with the router and I ask them do you have a PFW solution on the machine and they say yes I do.

Duane :)

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Duane Arnold

Your problem, not mine.

Have you ever thought of looking that up the old fashioned dictionary? Standard should do, no need to use one that covers German slang.

Sorry, no, do you want to try again?


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Wolfgang Kueter

I believe it's Großkopf.

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