wipfw and chx-i

From what I can find it seems like wipfw and chx-i are some of the

better firewalls available for the windows platform. I am currently running chx-i and its great but how would you compare it to wipfw? Which one would you run if you had to choose between the two?

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I never got CHX-I to work flawlessly (damn thing is forgetting NAT states sometimes way too soon).

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Sebastian Gottschalk

Most if not all of the SPI parameters for CHX-I can be adjusted and tweaked. Check the online docs for details, I'm not sure where, but it's all documented pretty well.

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I have never tried wipfw so I cannot provide any comparison, but I have very good experience with CHX. It takes a little getting used to, but I find it to be a very strong packet. You can configure it to be allmost everything from a simple packet filter to something that comes close to real firewalling.

If You think CHX is great then why not stick to it? :-)

/B. Nice

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B. Nice

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