Re: New Spam Scam Exploits Pope's Death

> Is there any way to plonk the moderator of a mailing list?

> He doesn't morph; you can killfile him just like you can killfile > anyone else.

Except that he sticks his comments at the end of other people's notes. *

  • PV something like badgers--something like lizards--and something like corkscrews.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Well Paul, I can fix that for you. I have a little perl script here which I will give in a minute, that you or anyone can use to write me out of the picture entirely. The perl script was originally written for use in the 'latest-issue.html' file on our web site, to make _my_ comments stand out in bright red when they are interspersed with another article. Go to our web site at
formatting link
read the latest issue file, and you will see examples of it. I figured if red print was good enough for the Gospel writers in the New Testament when JC was quoted, it should be good enough for me also (ha! ha!).

The perl script does this:

# This perl script replaces cat with perl to make subjects stand out. # old: cat output


perl -pe 's/&/&/g; s//>/g; s/Subject:.*?$/$&/; \\ s/((https?|ftp):\\/\\/.*?)(\\s|, )/$1$3/g' output |\\ perl -pe 'undef $/; s/\\nTELECOM Digest is an electronic.*?organization\\./\\n$&/s;' \\ -e 's/\\n\\[TELECOM Digest Editor.s Note:.*?PAT\\]/\\n$&/sg' \\ >> $outfile

Now, as you can see, each issue of the Digest is run through that perl script, and anytime I choose to speak out (inconvenient for you, I understand) anytime in an issue there is a line of text which begins with a left bracket '[' and immediatly continues with the string (without the quotes) 'TELECOM Digest Editor's Note:' then the font changes colors and continues in that new brownish color until the ending is discovered ('PAT' followed by a right bracket ']') then the font color changes back again to what it was. So maybe I just say 'thank you' or maybe I rant and rave for several lines, no matter. That opening phrase flush at the left margin and the closing phrase (PAT followed by a right bracket) controls when the color changes. By the same technique I make the Subject line stand out in bright red and I put the closing words from my patrons in blue.

Now all you need to do, Paul, is take those sentences which came from me between left bracket TELECOM Digest, etc and ending with PAT right bracket and either send them to /null or send me to /hell or whatever you want. Use my perl script to do whatever you want to do with the offensive lines in the middle. See Paul, I try to look out for folks around here. I don't ever make guys do something they don't want to do. Either you read me because you want to, or you skip over me because you don't want to read. Using _force_ on guys is not my style. This public service announcement was intended to help you protect yourself and your friends from the ravages of a moderator with brain disease. You are welcome. Now watch the color change. PAT]

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Paul Vader
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