Re: Internet and Civil Liberties?

There's been a lot of press lately about dangerous people using the

> Internet to prey on others. > However, technical weaknesses make it easy to forge someone else's > identity. What protection is there if an innocent person is accused > of being an identity thief, pervert, defrauder, etc.? > Suppose some molester uses your identity in a chat to arrange an > illicit meeting with a victim. Will cops come after you? How would > you defend yourself?

If you're not technically astute, you'd better hire a good lawyer quick. But at the same time it is getting to be like the situation with money with cocaine residue on it. For a while in the 80s it was considered strong evidence of trafficking if you had 20s with cocaine traces on it. Then someone showed that most of the money in possession of police, judges, court officials, people on the street, and most all money in major cities and soon the entire country had traces on it.

Most all Internet fraud and other illegal activity is now based on bogus identities. Any police force of any size who deals with this knows it and deals with it appropriately. And most local police (at least here in NC) call in the state guys for this type of stuff as they have the knowledge to deal with it. Sheriff Bubba doesn't go after much related to computers.

Not to say people will not get falsely accused, but it should be a minor part of the problem as time goes on.

I run some mail servers and looking at the appearance of "falseness" of the incoming mail is the best indicator of things to toss.

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