Simple Calculation of Sunset Time required

The man asked about Foucault's pendulum at the poles and I give him the answer through the experiment and the 24 hour/360 Degree principles ,if you does not like the answer that is not my business.

A foundational error is the worst type of error,you cannot do anything with it no more than you can build on flat Earth notios and be taken seriously.This is the exact same situation with an astrological twist and it stands against every single astronomical achievement up to the time that Flamsteed created his false 'proof' for axial rotation.

The means by which clocks are kept in sync with the axial cycle and longitudes at 24 hours/360 degrees is a heliocentric development and one of the most greatest known human achievements that everybody here will use today and for the rest of their lives,even the ungrateful ones like yourself.To go from that achievement to a sub-geocentric astrological framework amounts to the worst sort of vandalism and that is final.

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| >> Well, after working almost a month I've got a 'C' program that seems to | >> get | >> within 6 minutes of the U.S. Navy's published times. I actually learned a | >> lot about vector operations. For now I'm going to put this thing to rest, | >> but here's the code... | >

| > Could you post it again without losing all the line breaks | > in the second half? | >

| > Thanks | > -- | > Andrew | | In the almost three weeks since I posted this 'C' program I cleaned it up a | little but kept the same logic. I moved some code into subroutines since it | was used several times from different places. Also, my first posting didn't | include the source for the cross-product and dot-product of vectors since | these were pulled from a VCTRSUPPORT.h file I had previously developed. I am | still at a loss to figure out why I've got about 6 minutes of error (seems | to vary from about 5 to 7 depending on the time of year) but am not willing | "fudge" any of my geometrically accurate analysis to eliminate it.

I have a program that I found years ago that computes sunset/sunrise. It has a similar error which I've always wondered about. Just in case somebody wants more/alternate code to look at, here it is:

/* sun.c

  • sun
  • options: -t hh:mm:ss time (default is current system time)
* -d mm/dd/yy date (default is current system date)
  • -a lat decimal latitude
  • -o lon decimal longitude
* -z tz timezone (default = 8, pst) * -p show position of sun (azimuth) *
  • All output is to standard io.
* * Compile with cc -O -o sun -lm * Non 4.2 systems may have to change to below. * * Note that the latitude, longitude, time zone correction and * time zone string are all defaulted in the global variable section. * * Most of the code in this program is adapted from algorithms * presented in "Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator" by * Peter Duffet-Smith. * * The GST and ALT-AZIMUTH algorithms are from Sky and Telescope, * June, 1984 by Roger W. Sinnott * * Author Robert Bond - Beaverton Oregon. * */

#include #include #include #include

#define PI 3.141592654 #define EPOCH 1980 #define JDE 2444238.5 /* Julian date of EPOCH */

double dtor(); double adj360(); double adj24(); double julian_date(); double hms_to_dh(); double solar_lon(); double acos_deg(); double asin_deg(); double atan_q_deg(); double atan_deg(); double sin_deg(); double cos_deg(); double tan_deg(); double gmst();

int th; int tm; int ts; int mo; int day; int yr; int tz=5; /* Default time zone */ char *tzs = "(EST)"; /* Default time zone string */ char *dtzs = "(EDT)"; /* Default daylight savings time string */ int popt = 0, qopt = 0;

double lat = 42.59985; /* Default latitude */ double lon = 70.63733; /* Default Longitude (Degrees west) */

main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { double ed, jd; double alpha1, delta1, alpha2, delta2, st1r, st1s, st2r, st2s; double a1r, a1s, a2r, a2s, dt, dh, x, y; double trise, tset, ar, as, alpha, delta, tri, da; double lambda1, lambda2; double alt, az, gst, m1; double hsm, ratio; time_t sec_1970; int h, m, mrise, mset; struct tm *pt;

sec_1970 = time((time_t *)0); pt = localtime(&sec_1970);

th = pt->tm_hour; tm = pt->tm_min; ts = pt->tm_sec; yr = pt->tm_year + 1900; mo = pt->tm_mon + 1; day = pt->tm_mday; if (pt->tm_isdst) { /* convert tz to daylight savings time */ tz--; tzs = dtzs; }


jd = julian_date(mo,day,yr); ed = jd - JDE;

lambda1 = solar_lon(ed); lambda2 = solar_lon(ed + 1.0);

lon_to_eq(lambda1, &alpha1, &delta1); lon_to_eq(lambda2, &alpha2, &delta2);

rise_set(alpha1, delta1, &st1r, &st1s, &a1r, &a1s); rise_set(alpha2, delta2, &st2r, &st2s, &a2r, &a2s);

m1 = adj24(gmst(jd - 0.5, 0.5 + tz / 24.0) - lon / 15); /* lst midnight */ hsm = adj24(st1r - m1); ratio = hsm / 24.07;

if (fabs(st2r - st1r) > 1.0) { st2r += 24.0; }

trise = adj24((1.0 - ratio) * st1r + ratio * st2r);

hsm = adj24(st1s - m1); ratio = hsm / 24.07;

if (fabs(st2s - st1s) > 1.0) { st2s += 24.0; }

tset = adj24((1.0 - ratio) * st1s + ratio * st2s);

ar = a1r * 360.0 / (360.0 + a1r - a2r); as = a1s * 360.0 / (360.0 + a1s - a2s);

delta = (delta1 + delta2) / 2.0; tri = acos_deg(sin_deg(lat)/cos_deg(delta));

x = 0.835608; /* correction for refraction, parallax, size of sun */ y = asin_deg(sin_deg(x)/sin_deg(tri)); da = asin_deg(tan_deg(x)/tan_deg(tri)); dt = 240.0 * y / cos_deg(delta) / 3600;

lst_to_hm(trise - dt, jd, &h, &m); mrise = m + 60 * h; if(!qopt) printf("Sunrise: %2d:%02d ", h, m);

if (popt) { dh_to_hm(ar - da, &h, &m); printf("Azimuth: %2d deg %02d min \\n", h, m); }

lst_to_hm(tset + dt, jd, &h, &m); mset = m + 60 * h; if(!qopt) printf("Sunset: %2d:%02d ", h, m);

if (popt) { dh_to_hm(as + da, &h, &m); printf("Azimuth: %2d deg %02d min \\n", h, m); } else if(!qopt) printf("%s \\n",tzs);

if (popt) {

if (alpha1 < alpha2) alpha = (alpha1 + alpha2) / 2.0; else alpha = (alpha1 + 24.0 + alpha2) / 2.0; if (alpha > 24.0) alpha -= 24.0;

dh = (hms_to_dh(th, tm, ts) + tz) / 24.0; if (dh > 0.5) { dh -= 0.5; jd += 0.5; } else { dh += 0.5; jd -= 0.5; }

gst = gmst(jd, dh);

eq_to_altaz(alpha, delta, gst, &alt, &az);

printf("The sun is at "); dh_to_hm(alt, &h, &m); printf(" altitude: %2d deg %02d min", h, m); dh_to_hm(az, &h, &m); printf(" azimuth: %2d deg %02d min. \\n", h, m); } m = pt->tm_min + 60 * pt->tm_hour; if(m > mrise && m < mset) exit(1); exit(0); }

double dtor(deg) double deg; { return (deg * PI / 180.0); }

double rtod(deg) double deg; { return (deg * 180.0 / PI); }

double adj360(deg) double deg; { while (deg < 0.0) deg += 360.0; while (deg > 360.0) deg -= 360.0; return(deg); }

double adj24(hrs) double hrs; { while (hrs < 0.0) hrs += 24.0; while (hrs > 24.0) hrs -= 24.0; return(hrs); }

initopts(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int ai; char *ca; char *str;

while (--argc) { if ((*++argv)[0] == '-') { ca = *argv; for(ai = 1; ca[ai] != '\\0'; ai++) switch (ca[ai]) { case 'q': qopt++; break; case 'p': popt++; break; case 'a': str = *++argv; if (sscanf(str, "%lf", &lat) != 1) usage(); argc--; break; case 'o': str = *++argv; if (sscanf(str, "%lf", &lon) != 1) usage(); argc--; break; case 'z': str = *++argv; if (sscanf(str, "%d", &tz) != 1) usage(); tzs = " "; argc--; break; case 't': str = *++argv; if (sscanf(str, "%d:%d:%d", &th, &tm, &ts) != 3) usage(); argc--; break; case 'd': str = *++argv; if (sscanf(str, "%d/%d/%d", &mo, &day, &yr) != 3) usage(); argc--; break; default: usage(); } } else usage(); } }

usage() { printf("Usage: sun [-p] [-t h:m:s] [-d m/d/y] [-a lat] [-o lon] [-z tz]\\n"); exit(1); }

double julian_date(m, d, y) { int a, b; double jd;

if (m == 1 || m == 2) { --y; m += 12; } if (y < 1583) { printf("Can't handle dates before 1583 \\n"); exit(1); } a = y/100; b = 2 - a + a/4; b += (int)((double)y * 365.25); b += (int)(30.6001 * ((double)m + 1.0)); jd = (double)d + (double)b + 1720994.5; return(jd); }

double hms_to_dh(h, m, s) { double rv;

rv = h + m / 60.0 + s / 3600.0; return rv; }

double solar_lon(ed) double ed; { double n, m, e, ect, errt, v;

n = 360.0 * ed / 365.2422; n = adj360(n); m = n + 278.83354 - 282.596403; m = adj360(m); m = dtor(m); e = m; ect = 0.016718; while ((errt = e - ect * sin(e) - m) > 0.0000001) e = e - errt / (1 - ect * cos(e)); v = 2 * atan(1.0168601 * tan(e/2)); v = adj360(v * 180.0 / PI + 282.596403); return(v); }

double acos_deg(x) double x; { return rtod(acos(x)); }

double asin_deg(x) double x; { return rtod(asin(x)); }

double atan_q_deg(y,x) double y,x; { double rv;

if (y == 0) rv = 0; else if (x == 0) rv = y>0 ? 90.0 : -90.0; else rv = atan_deg(y/x);

if (x 24.0) *lstr -= 24.0; *lsts = alpha + h; if (*lsts > 24.0) *lsts -= 24.0; }

lst_to_hm(lst, jd, h, m) double lst, jd; int *h, *m; { double ed, gst, jzjd, t, r, b, t0, gmt;

gst = lst + lon / 15.0; if (gst > 24.0) gst -= 24.0; jzjd = julian_date(1,0,yr); ed = jd-jzjd; t = (jzjd -2415020.0)/36525.0; r = 6.6460656+2400.05126*t+2.58E-05*t*t; b = 24-(r-24*(yr-1900)); t0 = ed * 0.0657098 - b; if (t0 < 0.0) t0 += 24; gmt = gst-t0; if (gmt 30) (*m)++; if (*m == 60) { *m = 0; (*h)++; } }

eq_to_altaz(r, d, t, alt, az) double r, d, t; double *alt, *az; { double p = 3.14159265; double r1 = p / 180.0; double b = lat * r1; double l = (360 - lon) * r1; double t5, s1, c1, c2, s2, a, h;

r = r * 15.0 * r1; d = d * r1; t = t * 15.0 * r1; t5 = t - r + l; s1 = sin(b) * sin(d) + cos(b) * cos(d) * cos(t5); c1 = 1 - s1 * s1; if (c1 > 0) { c1 = sqrt(c1); h = atan(s1 / c1); } else { h = (s1 / fabs(s1)) * (p / 2.0); } c2 = cos(b) * sin(d) - sin(b) * cos(d) * cos(t5); s2 = -cos(d) * sin(t5); if (c2 == 0) a = (s2/fabs(s2)) * (p/2); else { a = atan(s2/c2); if (c2 < 0) a=a+p; } if (a 24.0) s -= 24.0; return(s); }

Reply to
Dan Lanciani

hours 56 minutes 4 seconds (a sidereal day). So

and longitude his effective longitude increases

Never have so many people lost their minds .

They even have an organisation to maintain the false reasoning which leads to 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds ',namely the IERS -

formatting link
When their is an 'authority' in existence to maintain a false reasoning,the only hope is finding genuine people who actually admire where the whole 24 hour/360 degree correlation originated and how it works.

You believe the creation of the 24 hour day from observation of natural noonis nonsense and it is your right to do so but only in context of a intellectual standard comparable to flat Earthers.Most here are proud of the value for axial rotation through 360 degrees in

23 hours 56 minutes but then again,there were many proud people who based their ideas on Piltdown man .
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If you believe in the creation (actually definition) of the 24 hour day from observing natural noon (i.e., sun transit) cycles, why is the measurement of the sidereal day from the observation of natural star transit cycles "nonsense"?

Do you believe that the observed difference between solar and sidereal day length is due to the effect of the earth/sun orbital motion throwing off the apparent sidereal day (relative to the "natural" solar day?)

-dave w

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David Weinshenker

Dang! Some of you sci.astro weenies just cant lay this to rest! The request was for a SIMPLE way to calculate Sunset for a Home Automation system that was accurate within a few minutes, and that's been done!

Can you PLEASE remove comp.home.automation from your bickering? You guys remind me of the nerds on CBS's "Big Bang Theory", but at least they tried Home Automation a few shows back.......

David We>

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