[Q] CRWS software

Hi Group,

I am a complete novice to CISCO and all things IOS.

I have just been given a second hand Cicso 837 router and wish to use Web based setup before trying to learn using IOS. The router has been reset to factory defaults as per my previous question using the console connection.

I have setup the router and connected to my PC. My PC has a DHCP allocated address of and I try to start the CRWS software via Internet Explorer on Windows XP SP1 using the URL address

The software prompts me for the language and I select English and the CRWS software on Internet Explorer sits constantly "Loading Cisco Router Web Setup. Please wait".

The Rxd / Txd LEDs on the ASDL port constantly flash. I have not the modem to an ADSL enabled line - since I am still awaiting the connection of the line.

Why is the CRWS software not loading.

Any ideas on what the issue might be?



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stuie snipped-for-privacy@yahoo.com.au schrieb:

Use Netscape 4.79 without Java Plugin.

Or better get SDM from

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You can install SDM local on you PC and SDM has *much* more features than CRWS.

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Uli Link

CRWS is a royal pain. What I remember is that the only way CRWS will work is if you use Internet Explorer with the MS Java Machine. Sun's Java will not work.

It's not worth the headache. Your router can use SDM, though. Consider moving to that. It looks like Cisco has discontinued CRWS on newer 800 series routers, SDM will work with Sun's Java in IE or Firefox, and SDM is a much more powerful GUI interface allowing you to do much, much more than CRWS was ever cabable of doing.

In short, CRWS is obsolete. SDM is the future.

Your router should have come with a mini-manual with instructions on how to convert your router from using CRWS to using SDM. If that document is missing then you can find the instructions on the Cisco web site.

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SDM is crap. Runs only on Windows.

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Bob Goddard

Even the versions of SDM that run completely on the router?

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snipped-for-privacy@moria.mines schrieb:

It does not *run* on the router. You download the jar via http/https from the router

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Uli Link

That's what I meant...was in a hurry, sorry. I'll rephrase my question.

Downloading the jar to your PC and running it, the code will only work on Windows machines?

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