Re: Using Dilution to Fight Phishers

[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Yes, but just imagine, if every

> legitimate netizen out there would make the effort to add five or > ten minutes of extra work to the load of their favorite spammer.

Then you end up with a distributed denial of service attack on the mail servers of the world.

The spammers don't care. If they were running their own servers they would. But they aren't, they're running bot-nets with thousands of infected home computers to distribute the load across. All your approach does is increase the load that the various mailservers have to deal with when trying to detect and reject the spam as the number of fake addresses and corresponding connection attempts increases accordingly. Unless you can guarantee that the domains used in your fake emails don't and never will exist.

John Meissen

[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Well hey, if the spammers don't care, then why should anyone else? Let's bring the whole thing to a screaming halt. Someone should write a little sript to make up domain names on the fly. Something like: "Ima-Enabler@_the_(number_of_minutes)_delay_in_this_piece_of_email_getting_from_(your_name)_to_(recipient's_name)_is_compliments_of_(spammer1_spammer2_spammer3_who_between_them_sent_out_(number_of_spam_emails_and_scams_)_in_the_past_hour_or_(percentage)"

Then have that little script calculate and fill in (number of minutes) as an estimate and (spammer1, spammer2, spammer3) and (number of spams-scams) based on traffic patterns seen around the net from one minute to the next and (percentage) as an estimate. And be sure to thank the spammers by name in so far as their names are known for their participation and help in making it possible. In other words, shut it down, rub their noses in the mess, and make it seem like the most natural thing in the world that a piece of email takes 9-10 hours to travel from Point A to Point B and then -- even then -- falls into a spam bucket somewhere along the way. Use gorilla warfare (or do you say 'guerilla'?) to bring those jerks to their knees. If we cannot have email to work the way it was intended, then let's not have it at all ... as the Esteemed William ('punch the buttons, yank the crank') Burroughs once noted in his book 'Naked Lunch' when he was addressing a pet monkey, "either shape up and shit right, or you won't be in a position to shit at all ... " PAT]

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